​​1. Best Video

2. Best Film

3. Best Puppet Design

4. Best Scenography

5. Best Animation

6. Best Actor

7. Best Actress 

8. Best Director 

9. Best Original Show 

10. Best Traditional show

11. Best Street show

12. Best Children’s Show

13. Best Artistic Creation

14. Grand Prix – The Best Carnival Show


World Puppet Carnival is Puppet Celebration around the Globe with the best World Puppet Artists which with puppets build their Dreams with the goal to make Renaissance of Puppet Art in 21st Century.

Our events are seen in theaters, streets, cultural centers, parks, schools and hospitals. Puppeteers are inspired to share their art, culture and customs. We introduce children, families and adults to the magical Art of Puppetry. We fill children’s hearts with love for puppets as an alternative to video and electronic games. We help puppets become a child’s best friend. 

With fanfare, performances and a parade, with Puppet Art we celebrate Life. The World Puppet Carnival is a dynamic tool for self-expression and exploration. Carnival is a tool to unite the world; to seek out our roots, develop new ways of looking at the world and its cultures, and finally, a tool to discover and celebrate what we have in common and what makes us different. Together with people from around the world we try to improve Life and save our Planet.

World Puppet Carnival dream is to bring down the wall between generations, nations, races and religions, culturally privileged and underprivileged, to celebrate and share humanity’s artistic wealth as widely as possible for the benefit of larger public, especially the younger generation and children making Harmony and Piece in every heart, family,country and entire World.

World Puppet Carnival aim is to help making this World better place for all people, nations and races to share joy and happiness in their lives with spirits of tolerance, justice, freedom, love and harmony.


Jerry Bickel

Writer and Puppet Director,

North America

Sid Ahmed  Meddah

Puppeteer and Director,


DR. Suyanto, S.Kar., MA. ,

Professor and Puppet Master,


Alejandra Caballero Torretti,

Actress and Puppeteer,

South America

Rod Petrovic 

Film, TV  and Theatre Director,


Copyright © World Puppet Carnival. All rights reserved.